Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent.
3  * Copyright (C) 2014 sledgehammer999 <[email protected]>
4  * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez <[email protected]>
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19  *
20  * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to
21  * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with
22  * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library),
23  * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public
24  * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you
25  * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
26  * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
27  * exception statement from your version.
28  */
30 #pragma once
32 #include <QObject>
33 #include <QtContainerFwd>
34 #include <QtGlobal>
36 #include "base/utils/net.h"
38 class QDateTime;
39 class QNetworkCookie;
40 class QSize;
41 class QTime;
43 namespace Scheduler
44 {
47  enum class Days : int
48  {
49  EveryDay = 0,
50  Weekday = 1,
51  Weekend = 2,
52  Monday = 3,
53  Tuesday = 4,
54  Wednesday = 5,
55  Thursday = 6,
56  Friday = 7,
57  Saturday = 8,
58  Sunday = 9
59  };
60  Q_ENUM_NS(Days)
61 }
63 namespace DNS
64 {
67  enum class Service : int
68  {
69  DynDNS = 0,
70  NoIP = 1,
71  None = -1
72  };
73  Q_ENUM_NS(Service)
74 }
76 namespace TrayIcon
77 {
80  enum class Style : int
81  {
82  Normal = 0,
83  MonoDark = 1,
84  MonoLight = 2
85  };
86  Q_ENUM_NS(Style)
87 }
89 class Preferences : public QObject
90 {
92  Q_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE(Preferences)
98 signals:
99  void changed();
101 public:
102  static void initInstance();
103  static void freeInstance();
104  static Preferences *instance();
106  // General options
107  QString getLocale() const;
108  void setLocale(const QString &locale);
109  bool useCustomUITheme() const;
110  void setUseCustomUITheme(bool use);
111  QString customUIThemePath() const;
112  void setCustomUIThemePath(const QString &path);
113  bool deleteTorrentFilesAsDefault() const;
114  void setDeleteTorrentFilesAsDefault(bool del);
115  bool confirmOnExit() const;
116  void setConfirmOnExit(bool confirm);
117  bool speedInTitleBar() const;
118  void showSpeedInTitleBar(bool show);
119  bool useAlternatingRowColors() const;
120  void setAlternatingRowColors(bool b);
121  bool getHideZeroValues() const;
122  void setHideZeroValues(bool b);
123  int getHideZeroComboValues() const;
124  void setHideZeroComboValues(int n);
125  bool isStatusbarDisplayed() const;
126  void setStatusbarDisplayed(bool displayed);
127  bool isToolbarDisplayed() const;
128  void setToolbarDisplayed(bool displayed);
129  bool startMinimized() const;
130  void setStartMinimized(bool b);
131  bool isSplashScreenDisabled() const;
132  void setSplashScreenDisabled(bool b);
135  bool preventFromSuspendWhenSeeding() const;
137 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
138  bool WinStartup() const;
139  void setWinStartup(bool b);
140 #endif
142  // Downloads
143  QString lastLocationPath() const;
144  void setLastLocationPath(const QString &path);
145  QString getScanDirsLastPath() const;
146  void setScanDirsLastPath(const QString &path);
147  bool isMailNotificationEnabled() const;
148  void setMailNotificationEnabled(bool enabled);
149  QString getMailNotificationSender() const;
150  void setMailNotificationSender(const QString &mail);
151  QString getMailNotificationEmail() const;
152  void setMailNotificationEmail(const QString &mail);
153  QString getMailNotificationSMTP() const;
154  void setMailNotificationSMTP(const QString &smtp_server);
155  bool getMailNotificationSMTPSSL() const;
156  void setMailNotificationSMTPSSL(bool use);
157  bool getMailNotificationSMTPAuth() const;
158  void setMailNotificationSMTPAuth(bool use);
159  QString getMailNotificationSMTPUsername() const;
160  void setMailNotificationSMTPUsername(const QString &username);
161  QString getMailNotificationSMTPPassword() const;
162  void setMailNotificationSMTPPassword(const QString &password);
163  int getActionOnDblClOnTorrentDl() const;
164  void setActionOnDblClOnTorrentDl(int act);
165  int getActionOnDblClOnTorrentFn() const;
166  void setActionOnDblClOnTorrentFn(int act);
168  // Connection options
169  QTime getSchedulerStartTime() const;
170  void setSchedulerStartTime(const QTime &time);
171  QTime getSchedulerEndTime() const;
172  void setSchedulerEndTime(const QTime &time);
176  // Search
177  bool isSearchEnabled() const;
178  void setSearchEnabled(bool enabled);
180  // HTTP Server
181  bool isWebUiEnabled() const;
182  void setWebUiEnabled(bool enabled);
183  QString getServerDomains() const;
184  void setServerDomains(const QString &str);
185  QString getWebUiAddress() const;
186  void setWebUiAddress(const QString &addr);
187  quint16 getWebUiPort() const;
188  void setWebUiPort(quint16 port);
189  bool useUPnPForWebUIPort() const;
190  void setUPnPForWebUIPort(bool enabled);
192  // Authentication
193  bool isWebUiLocalAuthEnabled() const;
194  void setWebUiLocalAuthEnabled(bool enabled);
196  void setWebUiAuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled(bool enabled);
197  QVector<Utils::Net::Subnet> getWebUiAuthSubnetWhitelist() const;
198  void setWebUiAuthSubnetWhitelist(QStringList subnets);
199  QString getWebUiUsername() const;
200  void setWebUiUsername(const QString &username);
201  QByteArray getWebUIPassword() const;
202  void setWebUIPassword(const QByteArray &password);
203  int getWebUIMaxAuthFailCount() const;
204  void setWebUIMaxAuthFailCount(int count);
205  std::chrono::seconds getWebUIBanDuration() const;
206  void setWebUIBanDuration(std::chrono::seconds duration);
207  int getWebUISessionTimeout() const;
208  void setWebUISessionTimeout(int timeout);
210  // WebUI security
212  void setWebUiClickjackingProtectionEnabled(bool enabled);
213  bool isWebUiCSRFProtectionEnabled() const;
214  void setWebUiCSRFProtectionEnabled(bool enabled);
215  bool isWebUiSecureCookieEnabled () const;
216  void setWebUiSecureCookieEnabled(bool enabled);
218  void setWebUIHostHeaderValidationEnabled(bool enabled);
220  // HTTPS
221  bool isWebUiHttpsEnabled() const;
222  void setWebUiHttpsEnabled(bool enabled);
223  QString getWebUIHttpsCertificatePath() const;
224  void setWebUIHttpsCertificatePath(const QString &path);
225  QString getWebUIHttpsKeyPath() const;
226  void setWebUIHttpsKeyPath(const QString &path);
227  bool isAltWebUiEnabled() const;
228  void setAltWebUiEnabled(bool enabled);
229  QString getWebUiRootFolder() const;
230  void setWebUiRootFolder(const QString &path);
232  // WebUI custom HTTP headers
233  bool isWebUICustomHTTPHeadersEnabled() const;
234  void setWebUICustomHTTPHeadersEnabled(bool enabled);
235  QString getWebUICustomHTTPHeaders() const;
236  void setWebUICustomHTTPHeaders(const QString &headers);
238  // Reverse proxy
240  void setWebUIReverseProxySupportEnabled(bool enabled);
241  QString getWebUITrustedReverseProxiesList() const;
242  void setWebUITrustedReverseProxiesList(const QString &addr);
244  // Dynamic DNS
245  bool isDynDNSEnabled() const;
246  void setDynDNSEnabled(bool enabled);
248  void setDynDNSService(DNS::Service service);
249  QString getDynDomainName() const;
250  void setDynDomainName(const QString &name);
251  QString getDynDNSUsername() const;
252  void setDynDNSUsername(const QString &username);
253  QString getDynDNSPassword() const;
254  void setDynDNSPassword(const QString &password);
256  // Advanced settings
257  QByteArray getUILockPassword() const;
258  void setUILockPassword(const QByteArray &password);
259  bool isUILocked() const;
260  void setUILocked(bool locked);
261  bool isAutoRunEnabled() const;
262  void setAutoRunEnabled(bool enabled);
263  QString getAutoRunProgram() const;
264  void setAutoRunProgram(const QString &program);
265 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
266  bool isAutoRunConsoleEnabled() const;
267  void setAutoRunConsoleEnabled(bool enabled);
268 #endif
269  bool shutdownWhenDownloadsComplete() const;
270  void setShutdownWhenDownloadsComplete(bool shutdown);
271  bool suspendWhenDownloadsComplete() const;
272  void setSuspendWhenDownloadsComplete(bool suspend);
273  bool hibernateWhenDownloadsComplete() const;
274  void setHibernateWhenDownloadsComplete(bool hibernate);
276  void setShutdownqBTWhenDownloadsComplete(bool shutdown);
277  bool dontConfirmAutoExit() const;
279  bool recheckTorrentsOnCompletion() const;
280  void recheckTorrentsOnCompletion(bool recheck);
281  bool resolvePeerCountries() const;
282  void resolvePeerCountries(bool resolve);
283  bool resolvePeerHostNames() const;
284  void resolvePeerHostNames(bool resolve);
285 #if (defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MACOS))
286  bool useSystemIconTheme() const;
287  void useSystemIconTheme(bool enabled);
288 #endif
289  bool recursiveDownloadDisabled() const;
290  void disableRecursiveDownload(bool disable = true);
291 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
292  bool neverCheckFileAssoc() const;
293  void setNeverCheckFileAssoc(bool check = true);
294  static bool isTorrentFileAssocSet();
295  static bool isMagnetLinkAssocSet();
296  static void setTorrentFileAssoc(bool set);
297  static void setMagnetLinkAssoc(bool set);
298 #endif
299 #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS
300  static bool isTorrentFileAssocSet();
301  static bool isMagnetLinkAssocSet();
302  static void setTorrentFileAssoc();
303  static void setMagnetLinkAssoc();
304 #endif
305  int getTrackerPort() const;
306  void setTrackerPort(int port);
307 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
308  bool isUpdateCheckEnabled() const;
309  void setUpdateCheckEnabled(bool enabled);
310 #endif
311  bool confirmTorrentDeletion() const;
312  void setConfirmTorrentDeletion(bool enabled);
313  bool confirmTorrentRecheck() const;
314  void setConfirmTorrentRecheck(bool enabled);
315  bool confirmRemoveAllTags() const;
316  void setConfirmRemoveAllTags(bool enabled);
317 #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS
318  bool systemTrayEnabled() const;
319  void setSystemTrayEnabled(bool enabled);
320  bool minimizeToTrayNotified() const;
321  void setMinimizeToTrayNotified(bool b);
322  bool minimizeToTray() const;
323  void setMinimizeToTray(bool b);
324  bool closeToTray() const;
325  void setCloseToTray(bool b);
326  bool closeToTrayNotified() const;
327  void setCloseToTrayNotified(bool b);
329  void setTrayIconStyle(TrayIcon::Style style);
330  bool iconsInMenusEnabled() const;
331  void setIconsInMenusEnabled(bool enable);
332 #endif // Q_OS_MACOS
334  // Stuff that don't appear in the Options GUI but are saved
335  // in the same file.
336  QDateTime getDNSLastUpd() const;
337  void setDNSLastUpd(const QDateTime &date);
338  QString getDNSLastIP() const;
339  void setDNSLastIP(const QString &ip);
340  bool getAcceptedLegal() const;
341  void setAcceptedLegal(bool accepted);
342  QByteArray getMainGeometry() const;
343  void setMainGeometry(const QByteArray &geometry);
344  QByteArray getMainVSplitterState() const;
345  void setMainVSplitterState(const QByteArray &state);
346  QString getMainLastDir() const;
347  void setMainLastDir(const QString &path);
348  QByteArray getPeerListState() const;
349  void setPeerListState(const QByteArray &state);
350  QString getPropSplitterSizes() const;
351  void setPropSplitterSizes(const QString &sizes);
352  QByteArray getPropFileListState() const;
353  void setPropFileListState(const QByteArray &state);
354  int getPropCurTab() const;
355  void setPropCurTab(int tab);
356  bool getPropVisible() const;
357  void setPropVisible(bool visible);
358  QByteArray getPropTrackerListState() const;
359  void setPropTrackerListState(const QByteArray &state);
360  QSize getRssGeometrySize() const;
361  void setRssGeometrySize(const QSize &geometry);
362  QByteArray getRssHSplitterSizes() const;
363  void setRssHSplitterSizes(const QByteArray &sizes);
364  QStringList getRssOpenFolders() const;
365  void setRssOpenFolders(const QStringList &folders);
366  QByteArray getRssSideSplitterState() const;
367  void setRssSideSplitterState(const QByteArray &state);
368  QByteArray getRssMainSplitterState() const;
369  void setRssMainSplitterState(const QByteArray &state);
370  QByteArray getSearchTabHeaderState() const;
371  void setSearchTabHeaderState(const QByteArray &state);
373  void setRegexAsFilteringPatternForSearchJob(bool checked);
374  QStringList getSearchEngDisabled() const;
375  void setSearchEngDisabled(const QStringList &engines);
376  QString getTorImportLastContentDir() const;
377  void setTorImportLastContentDir(const QString &path);
378  QByteArray getTorImportGeometry() const;
379  void setTorImportGeometry(const QByteArray &geometry);
380  bool getStatusFilterState() const;
381  bool getCategoryFilterState() const;
382  bool getTagFilterState() const;
383  bool getTrackerFilterState() const;
384  int getTransSelFilter() const;
385  void setTransSelFilter(int index);
386  QByteArray getTransHeaderState() const;
387  void setTransHeaderState(const QByteArray &state);
390  int getToolbarTextPosition() const;
391  void setToolbarTextPosition(int position);
393  // From old RssSettings class
394  bool isRSSWidgetEnabled() const;
395  void setRSSWidgetVisible(bool enabled);
397  // Network
398  QList<QNetworkCookie> getNetworkCookies() const;
399  void setNetworkCookies(const QList<QNetworkCookie> &cookies);
401  // SpeedWidget
402  bool isSpeedWidgetEnabled() const;
403  void setSpeedWidgetEnabled(bool enabled);
404  int getSpeedWidgetPeriod() const;
405  void setSpeedWidgetPeriod(int period);
406  bool getSpeedWidgetGraphEnable(int id) const;
407  void setSpeedWidgetGraphEnable(int id, bool enable);
409 public slots:
410  void setStatusFilterState(bool checked);
411  void setCategoryFilterState(bool checked);
412  void setTagFilterState(bool checked);
413  void setTrackerFilterState(bool checked);
415  void apply();
416 };
void setTorImportGeometry(const QByteArray &geometry)
void setTransHeaderState(const QByteArray &state)
void setWebUIHttpsCertificatePath(const QString &path)
void disableRecursiveDownload(bool disable=true)
QString getMailNotificationSMTPUsername() const
void setWebUiRootFolder(const QString &path)
bool deleteTorrentFilesAsDefault() const
bool recursiveDownloadDisabled() const
bool shutdownqBTWhenDownloadsComplete() const
void setActionOnDblClOnTorrentDl(int act)
QByteArray getTransHeaderState() const
QString getWebUICustomHTTPHeaders() const
QString getMailNotificationSMTPPassword() const
bool resolvePeerCountries() const
QString getAutoRunProgram() const
void setAltWebUiEnabled(bool enabled)
static Preferences * instance()
void setDynDNSEnabled(bool enabled)
bool shutdownWhenDownloadsComplete() const
int getWebUIMaxAuthFailCount() const
QString getWebUiRootFolder() const
QString getWebUIHttpsCertificatePath() const
void setSuspendWhenDownloadsComplete(bool suspend)
void setPropCurTab(int tab)
void setMailNotificationSMTPUsername(const QString &username)
int getPropCurTab() const
bool getStatusFilterState() const
void setCloseToTray(bool b)
void setSpeedWidgetPeriod(int period)
int getTrackerPort() const
void setMinimizeToTray(bool b)
void setUPnPForWebUIPort(bool enabled)
QString lastLocationPath() const
void setHideZeroValues(bool b)
bool resolvePeerHostNames() const
void setNetworkCookies(const QList< QNetworkCookie > &cookies)
void setIconsInMenusEnabled(bool enable)
void setWebUiCSRFProtectionEnabled(bool enabled)
void setWebUiSecureCookieEnabled(bool enabled)
bool getTrackerFilterState() const
bool isSplashScreenDisabled() const
QByteArray getPropTrackerListState() const
void setWebUIReverseProxySupportEnabled(bool enabled)
void setCloseToTrayNotified(bool b)
void setConfirmOnExit(bool confirm)
std::chrono::seconds getWebUIBanDuration() const
QString getMailNotificationEmail() const
bool preventFromSuspendWhenSeeding() const
void setShutdownqBTWhenDownloadsComplete(bool shutdown)
bool isWebUiLocalAuthEnabled() const
void setStartMinimized(bool b)
int getTransSelFilter() const
QString getWebUiAddress() const
void setAlternatingRowColors(bool b)
void setWebUIBanDuration(std::chrono::seconds duration)
void setSpeedWidgetGraphEnable(int id, bool enable)
bool useAlternatingRowColors() const
bool getMailNotificationSMTPAuth() const
void setPropTrackerListState(const QByteArray &state)
void setPreventFromSuspendWhenDownloading(bool b)
bool isWebUiSecureCookieEnabled() const
void setCustomUIThemePath(const QString &path)
bool isStatusbarDisplayed() const
QString getDynDNSUsername() const
void setStatusFilterState(bool checked)
void setRssMainSplitterState(const QByteArray &state)
QByteArray getMainGeometry() const
void changed()
void setServerDomains(const QString &str)
bool suspendWhenDownloadsComplete() const
void setDynDNSUsername(const QString &username)
QString getMailNotificationSender() const
bool isSearchEnabled() const
QString customUIThemePath() const
bool useCustomUITheme() const
void setRegexAsFilteringPatternForTransferList(bool checked)
void setMinimizeToTrayNotified(bool b)
void setSchedulerEndTime(const QTime &time)
bool getMailNotificationSMTPSSL() const
bool confirmOnExit() const
void setConfirmTorrentDeletion(bool enabled)
void setRegexAsFilteringPatternForSearchJob(bool checked)
void setMainLastDir(const QString &path)
void setWebUIHostHeaderValidationEnabled(bool enabled)
QString getPropSplitterSizes() const
static void initInstance()
QByteArray getTorImportGeometry() const
void setDontConfirmAutoExit(bool dontConfirmAutoExit)
QList< QNetworkCookie > getNetworkCookies() const
bool systemTrayEnabled() const
void setWebUiAddress(const QString &addr)
void setSchedulerDays(Scheduler::Days days)
void setMailNotificationEnabled(bool enabled)
QDateTime getDNSLastUpd() const
void setScanDirsLastPath(const QString &path)
QString getDynDNSPassword() const
bool isWebUIHostHeaderValidationEnabled() const
void setDNSLastIP(const QString &ip)
void showSpeedInTitleBar(bool show)
bool closeToTray() const
QByteArray getRssMainSplitterState() const
void setStatusbarDisplayed(bool displayed)
bool getPropVisible() const
void setSearchTabHeaderState(const QByteArray &state)
void setSystemTrayEnabled(bool enabled)
void setWebUIPassword(const QByteArray &password)
void setWebUiAuthSubnetWhitelist(QStringList subnets)
QTime getSchedulerStartTime() const
void setAutoRunEnabled(bool enabled)
void setTorImportLastContentDir(const QString &path)
bool useUPnPForWebUIPort() const
QByteArray getWebUIPassword() const
void setWebUiClickjackingProtectionEnabled(bool enabled)
int getActionOnDblClOnTorrentFn() const
void setTrayIconStyle(TrayIcon::Style style)
bool isAltWebUiEnabled() const
void setMainGeometry(const QByteArray &geometry)
QStringList getSearchEngDisabled() const
void setUILocked(bool locked)
void setSearchEngDisabled(const QStringList &engines)
void setWebUiUsername(const QString &username)
bool isWebUiAuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled() const
static void freeInstance()
bool speedInTitleBar() const
void setUILockPassword(const QByteArray &password)
bool getRegexAsFilteringPatternForTransferList() const
QString getWebUITrustedReverseProxiesList() const
bool dontConfirmAutoExit() const
bool recheckTorrentsOnCompletion() const
QByteArray getRssSideSplitterState() const
void setDeleteTorrentFilesAsDefault(bool del)
void setPropVisible(bool visible)
QTime getSchedulerEndTime() const
void setDynDomainName(const QString &name)
bool isUILocked() const
void setWebUISessionTimeout(int timeout)
QByteArray getPeerListState() const
bool isWebUICustomHTTPHeadersEnabled() const
bool isWebUiClickjackingProtectionEnabled() const
DNS::Service getDynDNSService() const
void setPeerListState(const QByteArray &state)
TrayIcon::Style trayIconStyle() const
bool isRSSWidgetEnabled() const
void setActionOnDblClOnTorrentFn(int act)
void setLastLocationPath(const QString &path)
void setWebUICustomHTTPHeaders(const QString &headers)
void setRssGeometrySize(const QSize &geometry)
bool closeToTrayNotified() const
void setDynDNSPassword(const QString &password)
bool confirmRemoveAllTags() const
void setToolbarTextPosition(int position)
void setMailNotificationSMTPPassword(const QString &password)
void setUseCustomUITheme(bool use)
void setTrackerPort(int port)
bool isDynDNSEnabled() const
void setWebUiLocalAuthEnabled(bool enabled)
void setHideZeroComboValues(int n)
bool confirmTorrentDeletion() const
void setWebUICustomHTTPHeadersEnabled(bool enabled)
QByteArray getMainVSplitterState() const
void setLocale(const QString &locale)
void setWebUITrustedReverseProxiesList(const QString &addr)
QString getScanDirsLastPath() const
void setWebUIMaxAuthFailCount(int count)
int getHideZeroComboValues() const
void setAcceptedLegal(bool accepted)
QString getLocale() const
void setShutdownWhenDownloadsComplete(bool shutdown)
void setDynDNSService(DNS::Service service)
bool isSpeedWidgetEnabled() const
bool getAcceptedLegal() const
bool getSpeedWidgetGraphEnable(int id) const
static Preferences * m_instance
Definition: preferences.h:96
void setMailNotificationSender(const QString &mail)
void setSchedulerStartTime(const QTime &time)
void setWebUiPort(quint16 port)
void setAutoRunProgram(const QString &program)
QString getMainLastDir() const
quint16 getWebUiPort() const
void setTagFilterState(bool checked)
bool isWebUiCSRFProtectionEnabled() const
bool getCategoryFilterState() const
bool getHideZeroValues() const
bool isToolbarDisplayed() const
bool confirmTorrentRecheck() const
QSize getRssGeometrySize() const
void setRSSWidgetVisible(bool enabled)
void setSearchEnabled(bool enabled)
bool isWebUIReverseProxySupportEnabled() const
QString getWebUiUsername() const
bool minimizeToTray() const
void setToolbarDisplayed(bool displayed)
Scheduler::Days getSchedulerDays() const
void setWebUIHttpsKeyPath(const QString &path)
void setMailNotificationSMTPSSL(bool use)
int getToolbarTextPosition() const
void setWebUiEnabled(bool enabled)
QString getTorImportLastContentDir() const
void setSplashScreenDisabled(bool b)
QString getServerDomains() const
void setSpeedWidgetEnabled(bool enabled)
void setHibernateWhenDownloadsComplete(bool hibernate)
void setTrackerFilterState(bool checked)
QString getMailNotificationSMTP() const
QString getDNSLastIP() const
QByteArray getUILockPassword() const
void setRssOpenFolders(const QStringList &folders)
void setDNSLastUpd(const QDateTime &date)
QByteArray getSearchTabHeaderState() const
int getWebUISessionTimeout() const
void setRssSideSplitterState(const QByteArray &state)
bool preventFromSuspendWhenDownloading() const
bool iconsInMenusEnabled() const
int getActionOnDblClOnTorrentDl() const
bool minimizeToTrayNotified() const
bool getTagFilterState() const
int getSpeedWidgetPeriod() const
bool isWebUiEnabled() const
QVector< Utils::Net::Subnet > getWebUiAuthSubnetWhitelist() const
void setRssHSplitterSizes(const QByteArray &sizes)
void setConfirmRemoveAllTags(bool enabled)
void setTransSelFilter(int index)
void setPropFileListState(const QByteArray &state)
QByteArray getRssHSplitterSizes() const
bool isMailNotificationEnabled() const
bool isWebUiHttpsEnabled() const
void setWebUiAuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled(bool enabled)
QStringList getRssOpenFolders() const
bool isAutoRunEnabled() const
void setPropSplitterSizes(const QString &sizes)
void setPreventFromSuspendWhenSeeding(bool b)
void setWebUiHttpsEnabled(bool enabled)
void setMailNotificationEmail(const QString &mail)
bool getRegexAsFilteringPatternForSearchJob() const
void setCategoryFilterState(bool checked)
QByteArray getPropFileListState() const
void setMainVSplitterState(const QByteArray &state)
QString getDynDomainName() const
void setMailNotificationSMTP(const QString &smtp_server)
void setMailNotificationSMTPAuth(bool use)
bool hibernateWhenDownloadsComplete() const
void setConfirmTorrentRecheck(bool enabled)
bool startMinimized() const
QString getWebUIHttpsKeyPath() const
flag icons free of to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation to deal in the Software without including without limitation the rights to use
Definition: preferences.h:68
dictionary headers
Definition: helpers.py:44