Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent.
3  * Copyright (C) 2014 Vladimir Golovnev <[email protected]>
4  * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez <[email protected]>
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19  *
20  * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to
21  * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with
22  * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library),
23  * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public
24  * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you
25  * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
26  * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
27  * exception statement from your version.
28  */
30 #include <QtGlobal>
32 #include <csignal>
33 #include <cstdlib>
34 #include <memory>
36 #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
37 #include <sys/resource.h>
38 #endif
39 #if !defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined Q_OS_HAIKU
40 #include <unistd.h>
41 #elif defined Q_OS_WIN && defined DISABLE_GUI
42 #include <io.h>
43 #endif
45 #include <QDebug>
46 #include <QThread>
48 #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
49 // GUI-only includes
50 #include <QFont>
51 #include <QMessageBox>
52 #include <QPainter>
53 #include <QPen>
54 #include <QPushButton>
55 #include <QSplashScreen>
56 #include <QTimer>
58 #ifdef QBT_STATIC_QT
59 #include <QtPlugin>
61 #endif // QBT_STATIC_QT
63 #else
64 // NoGUI-only includes
65 #include <cstdio>
66 #endif // DISABLE_GUI
68 #ifdef STACKTRACE
69 #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
70 #include "stacktrace.h"
71 #else
72 #include "stacktrace_win.h"
73 #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
74 #include "stacktracedialog.h"
75 #endif // DISABLE_GUI
76 #endif // Q_OS_UNIX
77 #endif //STACKTRACE
79 #include "base/preferences.h"
80 #include "base/profile.h"
81 #include "base/version.h"
82 #include "application.h"
83 #include "cmdoptions.h"
84 #include "upgrade.h"
86 #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
87 #include "gui/utils.h"
88 #endif
90 // Signal handlers
91 void sigNormalHandler(int signum);
92 #ifdef STACKTRACE
93 void sigAbnormalHandler(int signum);
94 #endif
95 // sys_signame[] is only defined in BSD
96 const char *const sysSigName[] =
97 {
98 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
99  "", "", "SIGINT", "", "SIGILL", "", "SIGABRT_COMPAT", "", "SIGFPE", "",
100  "", "SIGSEGV", "", "", "", "SIGTERM", "", "", "", "",
101  "", "SIGBREAK", "SIGABRT", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
102  "", ""
103 #else
108 #endif
109 };
111 #if !(defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined DISABLE_GUI) && !defined Q_OS_HAIKU
112 void reportToUser(const char *str);
113 #endif
115 void displayVersion();
117 void displayBadArgMessage(const QString &message);
119 #if !defined(DISABLE_GUI)
120 void showSplashScreen();
121 #endif // DISABLE_GUI
123 #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
124 void adjustFileDescriptorLimit();
125 #endif
127 // Main
128 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
129 {
130 #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
131  adjustFileDescriptorLimit();
132 #endif
134  // We must save it here because QApplication constructor may change it
135  bool isOneArg = (argc == 2);
137 #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)) && !defined(DISABLE_GUI)
138  // Attribute Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling must be set before QCoreApplication is created
139  if (qgetenv("QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING").isEmpty() && qgetenv("QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR").isEmpty())
140  Application::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling, true);
141  // HighDPI scale factor policy must be set before QGuiApplication is created
142  if (qgetenv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY").isEmpty())
143  Application::setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy(Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::PassThrough);
144 #endif
146  try
147  {
148  // Create Application
149  auto app = std::make_unique<Application>(argc, argv);
151  const QBtCommandLineParameters params = app->commandLineArgs();
152  if (!params.unknownParameter.isEmpty())
153  {
154  throw CommandLineParameterError(QObject::tr("%1 is an unknown command line parameter.",
155  "--random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter.")
156  .arg(params.unknownParameter));
157  }
158 #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(DISABLE_GUI)
159  if (params.showVersion)
160  {
161  if (isOneArg)
162  {
163  displayVersion();
164  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
165  }
166  throw CommandLineParameterError(QObject::tr("%1 must be the single command line parameter.")
167  .arg(QLatin1String("-v (or --version)")));
168  }
169 #endif
170  if (params.showHelp)
171  {
172  if (isOneArg)
173  {
174  displayUsage(argv[0]);
175  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
176  }
177  throw CommandLineParameterError(QObject::tr("%1 must be the single command line parameter.")
178  .arg(QLatin1String("-h (or --help)")));
179  }
181  // Set environment variable
182  if (!qputenv("QBITTORRENT", QBT_VERSION))
183  fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set environment variable...\n");
185  const bool firstTimeUser = !Preferences::instance()->getAcceptedLegal();
186  if (firstTimeUser)
187  {
188 #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
190  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
191 #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
192  if (_isatty(_fileno(stdin))
193  && _isatty(_fileno(stdout))
195  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
196 #else
197  if (!params.shouldDaemonize
198  && isatty(fileno(stdin))
199  && isatty(fileno(stdout))
201  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
202 #endif
205  }
207  // Check if qBittorrent is already running for this user
208  if (app->isRunning())
209  {
210 #if defined(DISABLE_GUI) && !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
211  if (params.shouldDaemonize)
212  {
213  throw CommandLineParameterError(QObject::tr("You cannot use %1: qBittorrent is already running for this user.")
214  .arg(QLatin1String("-d (or --daemon)")));
215  }
216  else
217 #endif
218  qDebug("qBittorrent is already running for this user.");
220  QThread::msleep(300);
221  app->sendParams(params.paramList());
223  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
224  }
226 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
227  // This affects only Windows apparently and Qt5.
228  // When QNetworkAccessManager is instantiated it regularly starts polling
229  // the network interfaces to see what's available and their status.
230  // This polling creates jitter and high ping with wifi interfaces.
231  // So here we disable it for lack of better measure.
232  // It will also spew this message in the console: QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot have negative intervals
233  // For more info see:
234  // 1. https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/4209
235  // 2. https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-40332
236  // 3. https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-46015
238  qputenv("QT_BEARER_POLL_TIMEOUT", QByteArray::number(-1));
239 #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)) && !defined(DISABLE_GUI)
240  // this is the default in Qt6
241  app->setAttribute(Qt::AA_DisableWindowContextHelpButton);
242 #endif
243 #endif // Q_OS_WIN
245 #if defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
246  // Since Apple made difficult for users to set PATH, we set here for convenience.
247  // Users are supposed to install Homebrew Python for search function.
248  // For more info see issue #5571.
249  QByteArray path = "/usr/local/bin:";
250  path += qgetenv("PATH");
251  qputenv("PATH", path.constData());
253  // On OS X the standard is to not show icons in the menus
254  app->setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus);
255 #else
256  if (!Preferences::instance()->iconsInMenusEnabled())
257  app->setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus);
258 #endif
260  if (!firstTimeUser)
261  {
264 #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
265  if (!upgrade()) return EXIT_FAILURE;
266 #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
267  if (!upgrade(_isatty(_fileno(stdin))
268  && _isatty(_fileno(stdout)))) return EXIT_FAILURE;
269 #else
270  if (!upgrade(!params.shouldDaemonize
271  && isatty(fileno(stdin))
272  && isatty(fileno(stdout)))) return EXIT_FAILURE;
273 #endif
274  }
275  else
276  {
278  }
280 #if defined(DISABLE_GUI) && !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
281  if (params.shouldDaemonize)
282  {
283  app.reset(); // Destroy current application
284  if (daemon(1, 0) == 0)
285  {
286  app = std::make_unique<Application>(argc, argv);
287  if (app->isRunning())
288  {
289  // Another instance had time to start.
290  return EXIT_FAILURE;
291  }
292  }
293  else
294  {
295  qCritical("Something went wrong while daemonizing, exiting...");
296  return EXIT_FAILURE;
297  }
298  }
299 #elif !defined(DISABLE_GUI)
302 #endif
304  signal(SIGINT, sigNormalHandler);
305  signal(SIGTERM, sigNormalHandler);
306 #ifdef STACKTRACE
307  signal(SIGABRT, sigAbnormalHandler);
308  signal(SIGSEGV, sigAbnormalHandler);
309 #endif
311  return app->exec(params.paramList());
312  }
313  catch (const CommandLineParameterError &er)
314  {
316  return EXIT_FAILURE;
317  }
318 }
320 #if !(defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined DISABLE_GUI) && !defined Q_OS_HAIKU
321 void reportToUser(const char *str)
322 {
323  const size_t strLen = strlen(str);
324 #ifndef Q_OS_WIN
325  if (write(STDERR_FILENO, str, strLen) < static_cast<ssize_t>(strLen))
326  {
327  const auto dummy = write(STDOUT_FILENO, str, strLen);
328 #else
329  if (_write(STDERR_FILENO, str, strLen) < static_cast<ssize_t>(strLen))
330  {
331  const auto dummy = _write(STDOUT_FILENO, str, strLen);
332 #endif
333  Q_UNUSED(dummy);
334  }
335 }
336 #endif
338 void sigNormalHandler(int signum)
339 {
340 #if !(defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined DISABLE_GUI) && !defined Q_OS_HAIKU
341  const char msg1[] = "Catching signal: ";
342  const char msg2[] = "\nExiting cleanly\n";
343  reportToUser(msg1);
344  reportToUser(sysSigName[signum]);
345  reportToUser(msg2);
346 #endif // !defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined Q_OS_HAIKU
347  signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
348  qApp->exit(); // unsafe, but exit anyway
349 }
351 #ifdef STACKTRACE
352 void sigAbnormalHandler(int signum)
353 {
354  const char *sigName = sysSigName[signum];
355 #if !(defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined DISABLE_GUI) && !defined Q_OS_HAIKU
356  const char msg[] = "\n\n*************************************************************\n"
357  "Please file a bug report at http://bug.qbittorrent.org and provide the following information:\n\n"
358  "qBittorrent version: " QBT_VERSION "\n\n"
359  "Caught signal: ";
360  reportToUser(msg);
361  reportToUser(sigName);
362  reportToUser("\n");
363  print_stacktrace(); // unsafe
364 #endif
366 #if defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined DISABLE_GUI
367  StacktraceDialog dlg; // unsafe
368  dlg.setStacktraceString(QLatin1String(sigName), straceWin::getBacktrace());
369  dlg.exec();
370 #endif
372  signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
373  raise(signum);
374 }
375 #endif // STACKTRACE
377 #if !defined(DISABLE_GUI)
379 {
380  QPixmap splashImg(":/icons/splash.png");
381  QPainter painter(&splashImg);
382  const QString version = QBT_VERSION;
383  painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::white));
384  painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 22, QFont::Black));
385  painter.drawText(224 - painter.fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance(version), 270, version);
386  QSplashScreen *splash = new QSplashScreen(splashImg);
387  splash->show();
388  QTimer::singleShot(1500, splash, &QObject::deleteLater);
389  qApp->processEvents();
390 }
391 #endif // DISABLE_GUI
394 {
395  printf("%s %s\n", qUtf8Printable(qApp->applicationName()), QBT_VERSION);
396 }
398 void displayBadArgMessage(const QString &message)
399 {
400  const QString help = QObject::tr("Run application with -h option to read about command line parameters.");
401 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(DISABLE_GUI)
402  QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Critical, QObject::tr("Bad command line"),
403  message + QLatin1Char('\n') + help, QMessageBox::Ok);
404  msgBox.show(); // Need to be shown or to moveToCenter does not work
405  msgBox.move(Utils::Gui::screenCenter(&msgBox));
406  msgBox.exec();
407 #else
408  const QString errMsg = QObject::tr("Bad command line: ") + '\n'
409  + message + '\n'
410  + help + '\n';
411  fprintf(stderr, "%s", qUtf8Printable(errMsg));
412 #endif
413 }
416 {
417  Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance();
418  Q_ASSERT(!pref->getAcceptedLegal());
420 #ifdef DISABLE_GUI
421  const QString eula = QString::fromLatin1("\n*** %1 ***\n").arg(QObject::tr("Legal Notice"))
422  + QObject::tr("qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility.") + "\n\n"
423  + QObject::tr("No further notices will be issued.") + "\n\n"
424  + QObject::tr("Press %1 key to accept and continue...").arg("'y'") + '\n';
425  printf("%s", qUtf8Printable(eula));
427  const char ret = getchar(); // Read pressed key
428  if ((ret == 'y') || (ret == 'Y'))
429  {
430  // Save the answer
431  pref->setAcceptedLegal(true);
432  return true;
433  }
434 #else
435  QMessageBox msgBox;
436  msgBox.setText(QObject::tr("qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility.\n\nNo further notices will be issued."));
437  msgBox.setWindowTitle(QObject::tr("Legal notice"));
438  msgBox.addButton(QObject::tr("Cancel"), QMessageBox::RejectRole);
439  const QAbstractButton *agreeButton = msgBox.addButton(QObject::tr("I Agree"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
440  msgBox.show(); // Need to be shown or to moveToCenter does not work
441  msgBox.move(Utils::Gui::screenCenter(&msgBox));
442  msgBox.exec();
443  if (msgBox.clickedButton() == agreeButton)
444  {
445  // Save the answer
446  pref->setAcceptedLegal(true);
447  return true;
448  }
449 #endif // DISABLE_GUI
451  return false;
452 }
454 #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
455 void adjustFileDescriptorLimit()
456 {
457  rlimit limit {};
459  if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit) != 0)
460  return;
462  limit.rlim_cur = limit.rlim_max;
463  setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit);
464 }
465 #endif
QString message() const noexcept
Definition: exceptions.cpp:36
static Preferences * instance()
bool isSplashScreenDisabled() const
void setAcceptedLegal(bool accepted)
bool getAcceptedLegal() const
void setStacktraceString(const QString &sigName, const QString &trace)
void displayUsage(const QString &prgName)
Definition: cmdoptions.cpp:582
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: main.cpp:128
bool userAgreesWithLegalNotice()
Definition: main.cpp:415
void displayVersion()
Definition: main.cpp:393
void showSplashScreen()
Definition: main.cpp:378
void sigNormalHandler(int signum)
Definition: main.cpp:338
void displayBadArgMessage(const QString &message)
Definition: main.cpp:398
void reportToUser(const char *str)
Definition: main.cpp:321
const char *const sysSigName[]
Definition: main.cpp:96
QPoint screenCenter(const QWidget *w)
Definition: utils.cpp:119
const QString getBacktrace()
Definition: tstool.py:145
static void print_stacktrace(FILE *out=stderr, unsigned int max_frames=63)
Definition: stacktrace.h:15
QStringList paramList() const
Definition: cmdoptions.cpp:363
bool upgrade(const bool)
Definition: upgrade.cpp:331
void handleChangedDefaults(const DefaultPreferencesMode mode)
Definition: upgrade.cpp:360
void setCurrentMigrationVersion()
Definition: upgrade.cpp:355